I have a question about the Queen Streaming move.

I have a question about the Queen Streaming move.

I have a question about the Queen Streaming move.

The player asked me is she could speak to her gang via mental connection ?

Since the rule only say “you can feel”, we agreed that she couldn’t…

Were we right ?

6 thoughts on “I have a question about the Queen Streaming move.”

  1. Short answer: You were right if both you and the Queen’s player thought the answer was fair.

    Slightly longer answer: I agree with you. It says “feel”, so I say that means the Queen can know the emotional state of members in her gang, but can’t really communicate with them.

  2. Chris is correct. Streaming only allows you to feel emotions, so perhaps “I’m in Danger” or “I love this man,” not “Hey (Queen), I am at North by Northwest with a knife waiting for that man we planned to kill. You ready?”

  3. Also, what is the fiction behind that move for your queen? In games where the Queen is non-supernatural and the streaming moves just represents the clique’s constant connections via text messaging, then it makes perfect sense that the communication goes both ways. Similar if the Queen represents some kind of collective hive mind.

    One interesting way of handling it, is to essentially say that in fiction the other members of the clique have the same ability to see what’s inside the Queen’s head that the queen has to see what’s inside their heads. So it’s not that the Queen can send messages–it’s that she can write them on the inside walls of her brain knowing that her friends might choose to look there.

  4. In that context, it’s not about access to the technology, though. It’s about the relationship that the technology makes possible. All teens with phones can text, but the queen having streaming means that her friends are constantly texting their emotional states to her, and that she can engage in something that is metaphorically a divination ritual to have them text their specific thoughts to her.

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