Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
Impulse Drive 3.4 is released on DrivethruRPG.
Check out the quickstart Pilot Episode document for a more streamlined introduction to the game.
Here’s the chagelog:
16/05/2017: Modified Oncoming Storm to prevent a short and disruptive cycle of gaining Storm and Stress.
28/05/2017: Added Intellect Move, The Kovacs Paradigm.
Combined all Handouts into 1 document, added a table of contents and a reading guide.
08/06/2017: Created Pilot Episode Quickstart document to make playing Impulse Drive for the first time or for a one-shot faster and easier.
Changed Archetype Special Moves to be named after the particular Archetype, to avoid confusion with Special moves in other sections of the rules.
Rewrote sections on gear slots, changed starting Gear so that all Archetypes start with 3 items of gear.
Added rules for Chameleon and Tactical cloak to Infiltrator’s Background moves for easier reference.
Added Liquid Assets rules to Villainy Background on Scoundrel Playbook.
Changed references to Payday to better reflect Ship Payment Moves for clarity.