Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #16

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #16

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #16

Not much to report, sadly. Got the edited chapters back, doing corrections and assembling the book.

Since I can’t afford InDesign again, I decided to go with Scribus, which led to a LOT of frustration, swearing, and rhetorical questions about the nature of reality. So I may be doing the bulk of the layout in Word in the end. Aside from a few minor tricks that I can’t do, it seems to be holding up (fingers crossed).

Some of my favorite comments from the editor:

– “We’re talking mass and inertia here, right? You say ‘fundamental forces of the universe’ but I’m not seeing electromagnetism or nuclear forces…” Kinetic Career

– “Ew. Do you have to feed them? Ew.” Living Weapons

– “Megalomaniac Combo: Take “Obsession about yourself (when you would gain a Data point about something, gain it about your chosen subject instead), then combine it with Nemesis (gain a Data Point about the cause of a failed roll) and Scapegoat (pass on failures to others). Fail at something, someone else suffers instead of you, you blame a third party for the failure, but really it’s all about you.”

Fanatic Career, editor getting political