And we’re back. This time doing Trope 3- Smart Guy/Girl.

And we’re back. This time doing Trope 3- Smart Guy/Girl.

And we’re back. This time doing Trope 3- Smart Guy/Girl.

As a reminder:

“The physically weak, but intelligent or clever member. Often nerdy and awkwardly played for comic relief. Sometimes unconventionally young (early- to mid-teens). Sometimes a Trickster and a buddy of the Big Guy.”

So keeping that in mind lets look over the playbooks that I’ll choose from:

The Delinquent- Due to the high base Superior label. Also a trickster.

The Outsider- Superior base score. Also could provide Alien high tech and alien high intelligence. Furthermore, different Alien Physiology could make her super young in Earth years, but very mature in Alien years (or vice versa)

The Newborn- We already have a non-core Playbook active, so everything is fair game now. The Newborn could range from being an Artificial Intelligence (like The Vision) To a bio engineered creation/clone. Being Newlyborn, it fits the Abnormally Young criteria, as well.

So… lets do it.

Q: Is this person a woman?

A: No, but

(…but not a man either.)

Q: Is it Man-made?

A: No.

(Outsider it is. And it’s Gender-less as well. I’m going to assume that it is like the Asari from Mass Effect. For sake of simplicity, I’ll refer to it as a ‘she’ (cause referring to it as an ‘it’ is a bit disconcerting)

Q: Does she have a strange body?

A: No

Q: Does she have an Animalistic body?

A: Yes

Q: What Animal is she most related too?

A: Return/Friendship

(An animal that Returns Friendship. A dog comes to mind (Dogs become loyal to those who care for them. Cats can sometimes show this trait as well (though we all know how evil cats can be. Don’t believe me, look it up on Youtube). A Google search later and I found five more animals that can be loyal as well. I’m going to go down this list and see what bites…)

Q: Does she look like a Rabbit?

A: No and…

(…and she does not look like a Guinea pig either (the next on the list). So skipping that…)

Q: …a rat?

A: No

Q: …a Cockatiel?

A: No

Q: …a Bearded Dragon Lizard?

A: No, but…

(She carry Lizard Traits. Will explore this in a second. We have two left. If she is not a Dog, cat it is!)

Q: …Dog?

A: Yes

Q: What Lizard Trait does she carry over?

A: Stop/A burden

(Armor. So she has Lizard like Scales.)

Q: Does she walk upright?

A: Yes

(Asked this so I can envision her better. She walks like a human on two legs. For the sake of Comic Book simplicity, she has hands and feet like a human. She’ll have scales with fur growing from between the cracks in between each scale.)

Q: Does she have glowing eyes?

A: Yes and…

Q: …and Animalistic eyes?

A: Yes.

(Glowing Canine Eyes.)

Q: Does she like wearing flashy clothes?

A: Yes

(This says something about her personality. She could also be hanging around with Nate as well.)

Q: Is her heroic costume her native world’s uniform?

A: No

Q: …is it her Station’s uniform?

A: No

Q: …is it a practical costume?

A: Yes, but…

(Being that she is smart, and by definition logical, it makes sense that she wears a costume that accentuates her abilities. How ever something is impractical about it, as well. We’ll work on this when we get to see what her powers are. Which is now.

Now, the play book says that she can fly and that she is pretty tough. She also has two traits from a given list. Time to go down it.)

Q: Does she have density control?

A: Yes

Q: Does she have Stunning beauty or phoremones?

A: No

Q: Alien Weaponry?

A: No

Q: Heliokinesis (Solar energy control)

A: No

Q: Radical Shapeshifting

A: No.

(By process of elimination, her other power is Telepathy and Mind blasts. Density Control and Telepathy. Perhaps what makes her heroic costume impractical is due to the density control?)

Q: Is she used to Earth’s gravity?

A: No, and…

(…and she needs a device from her costume to keep her from suffering from Earth’s different gravity. Boom. She doesn’t need the whole costume, but it’s very noticiable and it gets in the way.

Before we go any further, she needs a name.

I’m not going to tell you how I came up with it, but some of you may figure it out, any way.

Liats T’sthe

And no, I’m not saying how you pronounce it. Lets just say that her teammates call her “Lia” or “Tee” for short.

So, Labels

Danger -1, Freak +2 (+1 went here, see why below), Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane 0

Now we have an interesting delimma here. It makes sense to put the +1 to Superior. HOWEVER there is one point I failed to bring up in the first two characters: Having +3 in a trait is not always a good thing. In the game, there is such a thing called shifting labels and when a Label get’s shifted past +3, it leads to complications. This is the equivalent of someone being so smart, they look like a jerk. Lancer can get away with it because she’s the lancer. But Lia, not so much. Being that she is a Lizard/Dog hybrid looking thing with glowy Canine eyes, I’ll go the safe route and add +1 to Freak

Now for the back story.)

Q: Where do you come from?

A: Befriend/Attention

(She comes from a world that wants to be found. Perhaps it’s in danger of something?)

Q: Why is the planet in danger?

A: Agree/Pain

(Their planet is hurting, but it’s and Agreeable hurt. Maybe they are low on Resources and as a resort, their planet is dieing? Perhaps the feel that hurting their planet is a good thing? A warring planet, perhaps?

A google search found out about the Discovery of the Trappist-1 system. The native name of the planet she is from is unpronounceable in human Tongue, so to the team and others, it’s called Trappist.)

Q: Why did you come to Earth?

A: Spy/Jealousy

(Oh dear. So Trappist is jealous on how much natural resources Earth has and sent Lia to spy on it?)

Q: Is Lia aware that she is a spy?

A: No

Q: Is she alone?

A: No, but…

(Okay… Lia was a part of an envoy. However their true mission to to gather intelligence about Earth. Lia is in the dark about this, she thinks this is a diplomatic mission.)

Q: Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)?

A: Overthrow/Animals

(Who would she consider ‘Animals’? Not earth, remember, she has no idea about the spy mission. Maybe she is doing this to spite her own people? She’s angry about something?)

Q: What is it about her people, that Lia is angry about?

A: Take/Elements

(SO! Her people takes resources. Like animals. Makes sense, after all, they found it agreeable to harm their own planet. Thus, in the back of her mind, she suspects that her people maybe thinking about doing this to Earth as well!)

Q: Why do your people want you to come home?

A: Trust/Environment

(They like Earth. They REALLY like Earth. But why does it require Lia to come home? After all, couldn’t they just invade and steal resources if she was there?)

Q: Why is it ‘required’ for Lia to come home before an invasion?

A: Punish/Status Quo

(Ah! She is required for punishment based on their laws. She did something wrong, and they can’t invade without putting her on trial. For what?)

Q: …for what?

A: Cruelty/Wishes

(Cruelty towards their wishes. She is in the way for what they truly want. I could keep digging, but it’s time to come-up with my own conclusions:

Lia’s race of Canine/Lizard people (Let’s call them, the Cazarthi) is a race of peoples who go from homeworld to homeworld, soak up the planet’s natural resources to powerup their own warmongering, and then moves on. Earth, among other planets, are on their hit list. However the envoy they sent to Earth, lead by Lia, hasn’t returned, so they can’t make final plans against Earth without that critical data.

While Lia is ignorant towards the true threat, she isn’t ignorant with how selfish her people are about natural resources. Seeing how beautiful Earth is, she is taking her sweet time in returning to the Cazarthian fleet, hoping to find compelling evidence or… something to convince her people that they shouldn’t bully Earth.

Sounds nice.

And now, final question.)

Q: Why do you care about the team?

A: Open/Extravagance

(I guess through them (or by them), she sees how beautiful Earth is, and it’s potential.

So finishes part one of Liats T’sthe. Next is the Big Guy/Gal, the powerhouse of the group.)

3 thoughts on “And we’re back. This time doing Trope 3- Smart Guy/Girl.”

  1. Adam Goldberg

    Link => – Masks: The Next Generation

    And yeah, I never notice how long these things are until ‘after’ I’m done. I really don’t think it’s as much over thinking as it is me translating what I’m thinking into text. Trust me, this is now my third entry and each time I’m stunned with how much time has past. It felt like 10 to 15 minutes, and it was actually around 20-30.

    I could possibly try a timer and when I get to analyzing something, I limit myself to a minute and when it’s up, go with what is in my head regardless of how incomplete it is, problem is, I don’t like rushing myself. We’ll see.

    Thanks for your comments, Adam. 🙂

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