It’s taking shape!!

It’s taking shape!!

It’s taking shape!!

And still there is so much more to come :-)

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Version 1.2 of #Legacy2e is now up on the UFO Press patreon!

This release has a ton of new stuff over the previous one. Besides the gorgeous art running through the whole document, we have:

– Simplified basic moves for Families.

– Fleshed out Gear of all kinds.

– Added a 7th Family – The Order of Sworn Hunters, who manage, shepherd and hunt down the colossal beasts of the wasteland.

– Added advice and examples of play for most of the core moves, with more yet to come.

– Adjusted game setup to better reflect just how much family landmarks and character roles can do the heavy lifting in making and interesting situation.

– And more!

Patrons can get immediate access by following this link or you can wait 5 days for it to be opened to the public.

10 thoughts on “It’s taking shape!!”

  1. Had a great session at London indiemeet yesterday – a khanate of tyrants riding rhino/Tiger hybrids, a grove of half-vegatative cultivators lead by an inhuman giant, and wandering judges striking down those who use force to rule over others.

    World/family/character creation remains very fun, and we got through pretty much an entire age of history. Aside from a few issues of phrasing, our main issue was a bit of a lack of tension: the grove and the khanate spent most of the session clashing but as it never felt quite right for them to enter open conflict it just simmered along and felt a bit unsatisfying. Will have to think if that’s just a problem with GM reactions needing to be a bit more pointed, or if families should have more tools to come into conflict without it being open warfare. Will also put a chapter in the book on one shots, as this session shows it’s possible but not the best venue for some of the playbooks.

  2. Peter J​ I haven’t, though it should work perfectly fine. You might have to tweak some of the map-building questions, and add some gear tags, but as legacy already assumes things are pretty weird it should work fine.

  3. That would be a nice thing to add, different types of Falls and worlds you can make with just reskinning the existing rules or making very small tweaks.

  4. It’ll definitely be in the ‘hacking the game’ chapter, though I’m also hoping to fund some hacks with the kickstarter that take things even further away from core legacy!

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