Hello, I’ve been running an IRL Urban Shadows rpg for a few months now and now I’m running a one-shot in the engine…

Hello, I’ve been running an IRL Urban Shadows rpg for a few months now and now I’m running a one-shot in the engine…

Hello, I’ve been running an IRL Urban Shadows rpg for a few months now and now I’m running a one-shot in the engine for some online friends. I’m adapting it to a sci-fi setting, in a deep-space colony ship that will act as the game’s city. Has anyone else run urban shadows in a sci-fi setting before, and if they have, do you have any suggestions for doing so?

9 thoughts on “Hello, I’ve been running an IRL Urban Shadows rpg for a few months now and now I’m running a one-shot in the engine…”

  1. I’ve never tried this, but I gotta ask: Is it still demons and vampires and stuff, just in space? Or are you adapting to make other sorts of playbooks? Very curious!

  2. Jason Tocci it’s still very much magical! almost all ‘hi-tech’ stuff in the universe is actually based in magic – spaceships don’t have fuel and thrusters, they have blood sacrifices and magic circles.

    I’ve told my players that they can choose to make their characters straight-up what their playbooks are (literally undead curse style vamp, for example), or a sci-fi analogue (an alien similar to a vampire).

  3. Danilo Luís Faria Among other things, the first supplement (Far Beyond Humanity) will have mystical, magical, and similar options. I have a VSF faction of insular wizarding types ready to go for just such an occasion.

  4. You may also want to look at Adventures On Dungeon Planet for Dungeon World, which does more of a pulp planetary fantasy theme (think Flash Gordan or Princess of Mars).

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