Hi, is there a version of the Chosen who isn’t as focused on the special weapon?

Hi, is there a version of the Chosen who isn’t as focused on the special weapon?

Hi, is there a version of the Chosen who isn’t as focused on the special weapon?

Like to me what made Buddy special wasn’t her stake or that scythe/axe she got at the end, and tbh I consider them pretty negligible for the character, it was her determination, her skill , and her inherent powers. Ideally I’d like to have an option that resembles that more while still being “The Chosen one”.

Anyone know of anything or have any suggestions?

3 thoughts on “Hi, is there a version of the Chosen who isn’t as focused on the special weapon?”

  1. Reading the playbook, it says you have a special weapon you are destined to wield. So depending on the fiction of your universe this could mean:

    1- You do have the weapon and it is part of your starting gear. This may mean it is a specialized weapon of the line of chosen ones, more of a symbol than a super weapon.

    2- You will wield it one day when you are of sufficient skill and courage. So maybe you need to reach certain level before you are considered worthy to wield this weapon. It is one of a kind, maybe made of a rare, exotic material.

    3- This weapon is what is needed to kill the ultimate evil that your chosen one is destined to fight. You cannot find or possess this weapon til you face this ultimate evil. Obviously this will make the weapon quite unique and powerful (possibly magical), maybe destroyed at the end of the battle so that the chosen can retire or move on to a new playbook.

    4- You can forget it. Like you said, it does not have to be a defining characteristic of the chosen. You can always bring it back later if you decide it becomes necessary.

    Again, this has to do with the fiction of the universe, so have fun with it.

  2. In that playbook it seems like a fairly important part of the way they play though. I’m not a huge fan of just taking it away but not replacing it with anything, which is why I’d prefer to find another version of the “Chosen” archetype which doesn’t feature it but offers some kind of replacement

  3. Matthew Brown The Chosen is pretty boss even without the weapon. The weapon is just what the Chosen may prefer to use. Maybe, like Buffy, you could have the weapon be a type of disposable weapon, ala the stake, that the Chosen is the best at using and must make or find each time they use one.

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