7 thoughts on “What do you guys do about electronic character sheets?”

  1. Ive alternated between writing out the important parts in my own format/character sheet as a World file And using the Roll20.

    Roll20 has ones which cover pretty much all the mechanical aspects (though missing sections to write relationships/powers/appearance) then again you can formerly put those in the bio section

  2. Been lucky enough to have access to the awesome Roll20 sheets that Matt Morton​​ put together most of the time. In one Roll20 game where we don’t have them, I’ve put the labels and conditions into a generic character sheet, and I use macro buttons to make rolls.

    Also have found this template very helpful, since everyone can see everyone else’s stuff at a glance. Don’t recall who I got it from, unfortunately.


  3. I’ve “printed” the play book I’ve needed to OneNote and am using my Surface Pro’s pen to mark it up with stats and character stuff. Seems to be working well so far.

  4. Jeremy Johnson, I’ll try to post it here. It’s a bit tricky, because I used fancy fonts and images, so blanking it out will probably mess up the layout.

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