It’s incredibly annoying but Drivethru just resolved whatever issue was going on with updating files.

It’s incredibly annoying but Drivethru just resolved whatever issue was going on with updating files.

It’s incredibly annoying but Drivethru just resolved whatever issue was going on with updating files. When we updated the other day and sent out the email the files still said 2P and 2P ref sheets for the second printing stuff. This is wrong, it should just say “First Printing” and “Second Printing.” If you don’t have the files that say this, you’ve got antiquated files. It looks like it was resolved sometime between 1230 and a half hour ago or so when I checked and downloaded the files myself to make sure.

I also got a new piece of art for Cascade, check it out:

12 thoughts on “It’s incredibly annoying but Drivethru just resolved whatever issue was going on with updating files.”

  1. It’s the files that the first printing should have used, with a couple tweaks from feedback. The printer used the wrong file originally. The first printing is there still because it matches the book and the ref sheets match the text. Second just so people have the best version of the text, including everyone who helped proof it on the google doc. Originally I didn’t think we would sell all of the print run so didn’t see a point in putting that text up, since it didn’t match what they used for the book. Now though, we only have less than 200 copies left at IPR and that’s it. So there will be another print run for sure. Paul Beakley

  2. Yeah basically all cosmetic. The only “major” difference is The Empath is clearer in its moves and has an easier time getting its resource. Otherwise it’s all cosmetic. Terms are in caps, grammar, typos, etc. Nothing that would make the game play different in any way.

  3. Oh? I know I backed it. I think I’ve been throwing away updates.

    Since this is our first game I might just stick with the basic playbooks. But I do love special snowflake books!

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