Hope : a 2 players roleplaying game about unfulfillment and never really getting what you want.

Hope : a 2 players roleplaying game about unfulfillment and never really getting what you want.

Hope : a 2 players roleplaying game about unfulfillment and never really getting what you want.

One player is the Hopeful. Their role is to take action and state what they hope to get from it.

The other player is the World. Their role is to set up the problematic situation in which the Hopeful is and tell them about the consequences of their actions.

The game starts with the World putting the Hopeful in front of a difficulty and finishing setting up the situation by saying “What do you do?”

The Hopeful answer by saying what action they take and formulates what result they hope for in the form of a Yes-No question. They then flip a coin.

World, look at the result of the flip. Head means you must answer the question by starting with: “Yes, but…” Tails means your answer must begin like: “No, but…” End your answer by asking: “What do you do now?”

The Hopeful answers back, and so on and so forth. The game ends when the Hopeful realizes that nothing is ever perfect, life is never short of difficulties, one can only hope for the best.

Epic/Tragic variant: World, start your answers with “Yes, and…” or “No, and…”.

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