I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with…

I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with…

I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with the possible exception of “A powder keg, ready to explode.” I was hoping for some clarification.

My current interpretation/impression of the option is that you can add a threat, location, or situation that has the potential to cause a large amount of damage or fallout if handled improperly and/or not dealt with in the immediate future. Am I on the right track?

4 thoughts on “I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with…”

  1. Exactly! I’ve struggled to phrase that concept in a way that fits in a single line – any suggestions for improvements would be welcome.

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