I found a Star Trek PbtA online that is being developed presently (Strange New Worlds); but, is there one already?

I found a Star Trek PbtA online that is being developed presently (Strange New Worlds); but, is there one already?

I found a Star Trek PbtA online that is being developed presently (Strange New Worlds); but, is there one already?

I know of the Star Wars hack, but I was looking for a Star Trek one.

6 thoughts on “I found a Star Trek PbtA online that is being developed presently (Strange New Worlds); but, is there one already?”

  1. There’s also Impulse Drive, which is in development but it’s pretty far along and all available on DrivethruRPG for free or PWYW I think — I’m pretty sure ID can easily run Star Trek. In addition there is Uncharted Worlds, which has dials that can be set to emulate Star Trek: Great Ship campaign, everyone take loyalty to the Federation, etc. You can run it with just the core book, but the supplement Far Beyond Humanity gives more robust alien origin rules, which might be useful.

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