Rules question: passing the ring

Rules question: passing the ring

Rules question: passing the ring

Can I clarify when the Ring moves on? It’s mentioned in the summary sheets, but I can’t find confirmation in the main rules text.

As I understand it:

* The Ring moves on after every Ring move, and whenever the Ring holder takes Trauma.

* The Ring doesn’t move otherwise (though the Give up the Ring move means it can move at about any time).

Are both those true?

When the Ring moves, how much choice is there on where it moves to? Is it always to be Sister sat to the left (or right), or can it go to anyone? Does every Sister have to hold the Ring once before it can go to someone for a second time?


4 thoughts on “Rules question: passing the ring”

  1. re: Otherwise, a couple of the faces allow a player to take the ring from another player, but other than that, this is correct.

    From my past plays, the player giving up the ring chooses who it goes to, though the other sisters have input. Most groups will try to play generously, and make sure everyone has an opportunity to make an exit move or describe a key.

    Some groups will pass the ring to whichever sister they think can best handle the situation, and some will gleefully handle it to whoever they think will worst handle the situation. Nothing is codified, but the sisterly bonds do a pretty good job of setting tone and expectations for ring passing.

    Last time I played, our group was VERY protective of the Virgin, so the player didn’t get as much ring time as everyone else.

  2. Hey Neil!

    We’re incorporating this into the final text, as you weren’t the only one with this question. 🙂

    A Sister can hang onto the ring for as long as they don’t:

    – Make a ring move (including exit moves)

    – Takes trauma

    – Use the give up the ring move

    It should go first to a Sister who hasn’t had the ring, otherwise the Sister passing the ring chooses who it goes to.

    Hope that helps!

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