Forgive me if this has been asked before. I did a cursory search, but didn’t find anything addressing my question directly.
I run a lot at cons, so I was making a compact cheat sheet on asset creation to help streamline character creation. While I was working on this, I noticed that there were a couple of weapons in the examples that were tagged as Class 2, but had additional upgrades on them which would seem to indicate they should be Class 3.
For example, the ShatterHammer. It’s a melee weapon and it has Heavy, Halfted, Impact and Destructive. One upgrade should be free to define the melee weapon, but then it gets three beyond that. Yet it’s still listed as a Class 2 weapon.
Am I missing something with the creation of weapons? A class 2 melee weapon should have three upgrades on it. One for free, then the two additional to make it Class 2.
Maybe there’s some errata I’ve missed somewhere or some other explanation I’m missing.
Commenting to see what comes of it – hadn’t noticed this one myself, but I haven’t done a lot of melee weapon design, yet.
this one stood out to me the first time I read it also – but if you break it down it follows the rules:
– class 0 free upgrade – hafted (two handed, melee, adjacent)
– class 1 upgrade – impact
– class 2 upgrade – destructive
oh I see – you are reading the ShatterHammer as having the Heavy upgrade – I don’t think it does
From the PDF:
ShatterHammer (Class 2, Two-handed, Melee/Adjacent, Hafted, Impact, Destructive)
Optimal Range: Melee
One free upgrade for form — Hafted (Two-handed, Range: Melee/Adjacent)
One for Level 1: Impact.
One for Level 2: Destructive.
The ShatterHammer is a legally built Class-2 Weapon.
Yeah, you just have to get used to the nomenclature: (Class #, Range, Free Upgrade, Upgrade 1, Upgrade 2, etc.)
Aaaah, I see. I missed that the Hafted upgrade gave it the properties I thought were coming from Heavy.
Angela Murray will you make your sheet available here when it’s done? That would be awesome!
Sure! I was debating how to break it up, but I think I’m going to have Attire, Firearms, Heavy Weapons. Melee Weapons, and Explosives on one sheet (since those are the most common ones) and leave vehicles on a separate sheet I may do later, because those sometimes don’t come up during character creation.