So I’m running the Sprawl, my first experience with a PbtA game other than Dungeon World.

So I’m running the Sprawl, my first experience with a PbtA game other than Dungeon World.

So I’m running the Sprawl, my first experience with a PbtA game other than Dungeon World. So far me and my group are enjoying it a lot. I’m sure I’m messing a bunch of stuff up but I’m getting better for sure 🙂

There is one thing I’d like some help with though. Should I track the harm of opponents who do not warrant their own harm clock? For example, say a prototype is guarded by 6 security guards. Should I track the harm of each of them or consider them more as a nebulous blob of “threat”?

Or, should I do neither of these things maybe? I don’t know, some input would be greatly appreciated!

6 thoughts on “So I’m running the Sprawl, my first experience with a PbtA game other than Dungeon World.”

  1. System intent would probably be to treat them as a small gang. Security staff are one example of gangs in the book, and they’re basically acting as a single threat/obstacle, so I’d treat them that way mechanically.

  2. With me and my group we’ve enjoyed a bit more crunch when it comes to NPC combat so I tend to stat out NPCs more than you need for a game like Sprawl. I’ve also not bothered at certain points. Toy around, find your comfort zone. There’s no right or wrong way.

  3. You could keep them as a mob of could also just assume they are more mook like and an attack that succeeds drops them.

    I think it would depend on how your group wants the game to flow.

  4. Niklas Wiklund

    There is no intent of the system.

    The author has come out in support of one roll combat as well as zooming in for cinematic, blow by blow action sequences.

    So it’s your call. If the enemy is tougher than the average rent-a-cops then give them a clock, armor, etc. if your group doesn’t want to gloss over combat.

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