I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

The last session, the Dark Side tempted her with mystical power if she accepted a bargain; intentionally abandoning an annoying bystander to certain(?) doom in order to save the rest of the bystanders. She accepted.

I’m considering how to reward her with the proffered powers. I’ve written a couple moves that are thematically tied to the events around the bargain.

I’m considering whether she should just get access to new moves, perhaps limited to one use per mystery or one use per session, or whether i should offer something akin to a Compendium Class from Dungeon World, where we could develop a set of advanced moves together, and then she could pick from that set upon advancement.

How have others developed compendium classes or otherwise addressed similar issues, for the Spooky or other Playbooks?

3 thoughts on “I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.”

  1. I like the idea of coming up with a variety of things and picking from them. Maybe access to the others will come from further bargains in the future?

    If you have access to Urban Shadows, take a look at the “corruption moves” in there… They work sort of like this and might give you some good ideas.

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