Regarding the new gear system: I much prefer the old one, though I obviously haven’t had the chance to test the new one yet.
I fear that it will take away specialisation options from players and leave them with little chances to change up their characters’ equipment to suit a mission’s needs.
I can see that concern – I know the old system was powerful and flexible. I’m hoping that characters being able to tweak gear according to their playbook, and getting extra stuff from surpluses, will help retain some of that flexibility while being a bit less uneven in play. I’ll have to see how it actually works at the table!
I have play tested the old gear system enough to know that it is always a pain to explain and a big point of friction with new players.
+Joris… I think the new system will make things simpler for starting stories. Later on, I believe differences between both systems will blur .
And you can always fictionally add tags and things. Want to add some aberrant: flaming weapons to your arsenal? Say “my family is going to get that gasoline tank and we’re gonna make some napalm – I got Surplus: Engineers so it should be easy, yeah?”
+Douglas +Aaron I guess you’re right. I personally favor complicated systems (read Exalted 3 cover to cover like a novel) but this is an Apocalypse Engine game and the new system is probably more in line with the basic design philosophy of the rule set
I liked the system in 1.5. However I really like the new system and it’s examples. I think the new system can cater for those not focussed on gear and those that are, where 1.5 doesn’t cater for the former very well.
My only concern is around the addition of tags during Zooming In which seems too powerful and will see players quickly build up a massive list of tags.
Luke JW I think the addition of tags during zoom in is not to the family’s gear, but only that character’s gear – it’s a one time addition when you tool up your character. James Iles?
Yeah, exactly – I’ll make that clear. It’s only an addition to your tags for that particular mission.
Awesome. That works for me