So question: For the legacy extra, there’s been a bit of disagreement in my group, when it says the other players,…

So question: For the legacy extra, there’s been a bit of disagreement in my group, when it says the other players,…

So question: For the legacy extra, there’s been a bit of disagreement in my group, when it says the other players, does each player answer individually and from that each no gives a -1, or does the group, as a whole come to a collective answer for each question?

My read has been the former but others have disagreed with that.

3 thoughts on “So question: For the legacy extra, there’s been a bit of disagreement in my group, when it says the other players,…”

  1. From experience every game ive been in ruled it as a collective answer, the later would be far too large a penalty as a single question could give the maximum penalty alone.

    There have been quite a few times when it was a pretty clear unanimous case of No’s from all players including the Legacy from a few situations which would result in a -3+ from a single one. (depending on number of players in the group)

  2. Yeah, it’s definitely a collective thing. Fiction first, right: the questions are there to decide if you’ve been doing your Legacy proud, and whether specific behaviors are enough to outweigh your general heroism as represented by your Savior label.

    It’s about answering to your Legacy, not to your team (and certainly not to the other players), so three other players agreeing you’re a screwup doesn’t carry any more weight than just one thinking you’re a screwup. What matters is whether or not your Legacy thinks you’re a screwup, and that’s a binary thing when it comes to these questions.

    And just common sense wise: with four other players that’s a potential -12 to a roll. There’s no PbtA in existence where that makes sense.

  3. From what I’ve seen, it’s more like answers are individual and if any person answers no to a question, that question is considered a ‘no’ overall and adds a -1 to your roll. to not get a -1 from a question everyone must say ‘yes’

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