Alright you angsty capes… It’s a new generation and for the last century we’ve kept track of generations by the music they listen to.
What’s 2 or 3 songs you’d include in the best MASKS: A NEW GENERATION #soundtrack?
Alright you angsty capes.
Alright you angsty capes… It’s a new generation and for the last century we’ve kept track of generations by the music they listen to.
What’s 2 or 3 songs you’d include in the best MASKS: A NEW GENERATION #soundtrack?
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youtube.com – The Dollyrots-Because I’m Awesome lyrics
Kanye West “POWER”
A Tribe Called Red “HOW I FEEL”
You Say Run For Moments of Truth:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZLjp5Rei4s
And Natewantstobattle’s covers of “The Day” and “Sora Ni Utaeba” For general awesomeness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76KhQX_3D7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC63o2WTifY
youtube.com – Boku no Hero Academia OST – You Say Run
The Diamond Defenders made custom spotify playlists:
The Bull:
The Legacy:
The Transformed:
They all have pinterest boards and at least one has an aesthetic tumblr too. Don’t ask me what that is. And because I’m the one postin’, here’s one from my Reformed playlist for Brian Poe’s game. Because all my character songs are ultimately Mountain Goats songs:
youtube.com – The Mountain Goats – Sax Rohmer #1 (Official Video)
Ki:Theory “Stand By Me”
Jason Corley ohh.. +1 forward for a well placed Mountain Goats song
Fight Song by Rachel Platten.
Any song from Katy Perry or Taylor Swift.
Everyman’s Rangers had its own soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM0jLsOvs4c3TcBZ0ozThRcaC2oM2cXLu
And here’s context for all the songs; just click on one of the bubbles and you’ll see a link to the relevant theme song: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM0jLsOvs4c3TcBZ0ozThRcaC2oM2cXLu