Hey everyone, sorry for being a bit late to the party.

Hey everyone, sorry for being a bit late to the party.

Hey everyone, sorry for being a bit late to the party.

I got to know Sagas of the Icelanders a few months ago and would like to host a session some time soon at a Games Club. I do have a PDF version of the rules, playbooks and MC moves, but I was looking for some public/promotional material that I can send out to possible players in advance to advertise a little bit. However, it seems like the old Indiegogo website is deader than dead, with not even the youtube link for the promo video working anymore, and also all the public links to playbooks etc. that were shared on Twitter at some point are dead.

Can someone please point me to some place on the web where I can direct my prospective players to that does a bit of advertisement for the game?

4 thoughts on “Hey everyone, sorry for being a bit late to the party.”

  1. That’s all I have. There’s probably some other fan-made stuff out there that I’m not aware of or isn’t available anymore. Most of those old links are dead because they effectively killed dropbox, where the files were originally hosted years ago, the reuploads are on Drive.

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