Hi Guys!

Hi Guys!

Hi Guys!

I’ve been following supernormal step for a while now and got inspired to design a playbook based on it’s main protagonist, Fiona Dae.

The experience I tried to create was a space for a character that is struggling with having to work as part of a team after relying so long on their independence for so long and learning new powers.

The character image is by Michael Lee Lunsford

Please have a look and let me know what you think 🙂

I present, The Wolf playbook.

4 thoughts on “Hi Guys!”

  1. Probably the thing I would do is actually make it more like the Delinquent. The best way to make a good playbook, if you absolutely must (don’t make playbooks), is to start with a good playbook and alter it a little bit.

  2. The delinquent focuses more on rebellious archetypes that like to thumb their noses at authority, and go their own way in how to use their powers.

    The wolf steps away from this in simple ways.

    First, the labels:

    I understand the design reason for the labels, that they are meant to be how the character views themselves.

    +1 freak because the character does see these strange new powers of theirs as weird and troublesome to deal with, they get in the way of not standing out too much.

    +1 danger because the character is use to living on the streets, they had to be a bit more tough in their lives, dealing with thugs and gangs, they are use to a bit of danger in their life, but never seeking it.

    -1 savior is due to the fact that this character is very much use to looking out for themselves and is still new to the whole hero thing.

    0 superior because they’ve never seen themselves as anything special, and have actively gone out of their way to not stick out too much.

    +1 mundane because the character is still use to thinking of themselves as a normal person without powers and solving things that way.

    Second, the abilities:

    This area was very interesting to design because I had to come up with ideas that emphasis that the character is coming into being a hero with a bit more life experience than the average teenager.

    Powers: the choices here basically had to be showy and break the character’s comfort with being inconspicuous.

    Talents: My inspiration here were street fighters, freedom runners, survivalists or people that have had to deal with conflict on a daily basis.

    Skills: The skills is the fun part, having acquired these skills is something that is meant to make the character have more role play utility, but it reveals that how they survived before meeting the party was less than shiny or legal.

    Third, the moves:

    My desire for the moves so as to diverge from the established playbooks but still pay homage to the concepts they embody, was to focus on three main areas.

    The moves had to feel like somebody who:

    A) Recently acquired their powers and was still not use to them, but had their life experience and instincts on the street to deal with things.

    B) Very new to team work and having to take into account individuals outside of themselves, but having an honest desire to do their best.

    C) Has the ability to use their independence and confidence as a means of supporting their new friends.

    The delinquent does none of this, I’m not saying I don’t like it, I would love to play one someday.

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