The Chained One is a playbook in my upcoming PbtA game, Land of the God-Kings.

The Chained One is a playbook in my upcoming PbtA game, Land of the God-Kings.

The Chained One is a playbook in my upcoming PbtA game, Land of the God-Kings. If you want, you can read more about the project at the link below:

Once, you lived in the Land of the God-Kings. No longer. By magic, luck, or something stranger, you have been evicted from the world, imprisoned or banished. But your power grows…

The main inspiration while writing this playbook was Sauron from Lord of the Rings, the Elder Gods from the Lovecraft Mythos, and the Crippled God from the Malazan Book of the Fallen

Credit goes to u/cilice on reddit for the idea for the playbook.

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