Is it just me, or do most of the play books stay very light on the amount of cyberware characters have?

Is it just me, or do most of the play books stay very light on the amount of cyberware characters have?

Is it just me, or do most of the play books stay very light on the amount of cyberware characters have?

7 thoughts on “Is it just me, or do most of the play books stay very light on the amount of cyberware characters have?”

  1. By default, all characters start with one piece of mechanically engaged cyberware (plus any that take chromed), but I often find that multiple people have cosmetic cyberware as well. It depends on the inclinations of your group, in my experience.

    But compared to a Street Sam or a Solo, it might seem quite light.

  2. Rember that killers start with 2 pieces (if you go off the seperate playbook sheets that has an error).

    There are only really only 2 “big” expenditures for cred as well. Lieing low and big ticket items like ware. In our game that spanned 6 missions (about 10 sessions) the killer bought one more piece and took a chromed advance for a total of 4. The tech started with 2 and died. The infiltrator started with 1 and bought another for 2. The Fixer bought an additional one to end with 2 as well.

    If we hadn’t had a tpk due to trying to man up to our full threat clock and poor rolls we would have gotten very chromed.

  3. Yes of course! What helped me is remembering that the ware in The Sprawl is far more effective and powerful than the ware in SR. A single install is pretty poweful both mechanically and narratively. I’ll take synth nerves, a tactical computer, comms or skillwires over their SR analogues anyday

  4. I’m SUPER glad we’re not all poring over twenty pages of catalog and two sourcebooks to pick out ten pieces of cyberware and bioware that are most optimized for our street samaurai character. I think the list of ‘ware provided for starting characters captures the most important pieces, and you can always add more later.

    If you want a Cyberliver that makes you resistant to toxins and alcohol, Go Under the Knife and get one. As MC, I would be more lenient on 7-9 and 6 minus results on Go Under the Knife for more situational / less mechanically useful cyberware. Instead of a bomb in your brain or +owned, you might just have to do a two scene side job or pay more Cred than anticipated, or maybe just advance a clock.

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