I do not understand well the unleash an attack move.

I do not understand well the unleash an attack move.

I do not understand well the unleash an attack move. On a 10+ I do not get hit and on a 7-9 I can choose to be put on a bad spot instead of being hit. If I keep choosing that option I can only be damaged on a 6- which I think is a little abusive. Is the I am put on a bad spot supposed to be chosen only once until I fix the situation so I can choose it again or what?

3 thoughts on “I do not understand well the unleash an attack move.”

  1. The game is played fiction first. The “bad spot” is probably going to be more problematic than some paltry harm.

    “I stab him in the chest… Rolled an 8, I choose to be put in a bad spot” / “ok the knife goes in, deep. You feel it clack against bone and the guy bears his fangs at you… Your knife is stuck, and you can’t pull it out. What do you do?”

    Also be aware that “deal damage” is a GM move and the GM can make a move when you give them a golden opportunity – using the above, if you were to say

    “Well I just stand there and try to pull my knife out” / “uh, his arms are free, you sure you want to do that? He’s gonna hurt you” / “yeah” / “ok, well he grabs your wrist with his superhuman strength and squeezes hard – you hear something crack. Take two harm, but the knife comes free at the last second”

  2. It depends on the “bad spot”. Often, when players chose that result, they’re not in a fictional position to make another unleash roll. In my game, I’ve had a bad spot mean that they needed to keep cool before they could unleash again, that they were disarmed, or that they attracted unwanted attention.

  3. Bad spot is very abstract and can be anything crazy that comes to GM mind except direct harm. Lose a weapon, be thrown through the window (you are now falling down 20 stores, what do you do?), be pinned to a wall and unable to purse your pray as they get away with your your loved NPC. Sometimes Bad spot will naturally lead to Keep you Cool, sometimes not.

    As my personal rule I usually make bad spot equally fictionally bad, so that taking harm seems like a easy way 🙂

    So you are in a fight with Demon Lord would you really like to be put in a bad spot against such enemy or would you rather eat his 3-harm AP??

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