Made up a relationship map for my Hawaii-based Masks game.

Made up a relationship map for my Hawaii-based Masks game.

Made up a relationship map for my Hawaii-based Masks game.

Originally shared by Gremlin Legions (Michael Wight)

After the winter holiday, we got our Masks game at the store back up and running. Made a few house-rule changes with conditions, and also had one of the players switch playbooks (from Outsider to Harbinger) as it was a better fit for his concept.


…I figured it was time for me to figure out how everything was connecting so far, and put together a relationship map…plus that will help me figure out where I need to tug at to make things complicated. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Made up a relationship map for my Hawaii-based Masks game.”

  1. Christopher Hatty

    I just built them from scratch in ID, based on real-world measurements and then scaling them down. The only things that were imported elements were the red tacks (just a PNG I found with a Google image search) and the masking tape (also PNGs, though I had to remove the white background on them via Photoshop first).

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