Well friends, thanks in large part to that Polygon article, there has been quite an upswing in WWWRPG sales since…

Well friends, thanks in large part to that Polygon article, there has been quite an upswing in WWWRPG sales since…

Well friends, thanks in large part to that Polygon article, there has been quite an upswing in WWWRPG sales since the New Year! I know it’s been quiet in here recently, but I just wanted to post a Welcome to anyone who’s encountering the game for the first time and taking a look at this community. I’m glad you’re here, and happy to field questions about the game.

I have a couple non-wrestling projects on my plate that will be taking up my time for the first couple months of this year, but I’m hoping to publish some new content by the summer, as well. So stay tuned!