Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on

*AW seduce or manipulate question*

Hey folks, I’m confused by something. This is language from the move:

For PCs: on a 10+, both. On a 7–9, choose 1:

• If they go along with you, they mark experience.

• If they refuse, erase one of their stat highlights for the remainder of the session.

How can it be both if they’re mutually exclusive?

12 thoughts on “Edited: Question answered; feel free to move on”

  1. what? It’s carrot and stick.

    On a 10+, if they go along with you, they get experience. And if they don’t, you erase a stat highlight.

    Only one of those things happens, but you get to offer both carrot and stick.

  2. Hello Robert. It’s both because you roll 7-9 they can give them choice so either they get an experience or nothing happens. Versus if you roll a 10+ you either get an experience or I’m removing your stat highlight. You give them the carrot and the stick versus just the carrot or the stick.

  3. They’re not mutually exclusive. In the first case, they get a point of experience if they agree to your request. The second option lets you erase one of their stat highlights, cutting off an avenue for experience for the rest of the session.

    Does that answer your question?

  4. Yeah, what other have said:

    Either way, the target PC gets to decide their actions. The PC who makes this move gets to pick whether to bribe for cooperation or punish noncompliance on a partial, and gets to do both on a 10+.

  5. The first option is the carrot (if you do what I want, you get a treat), the second option is the stick (if you refuse to do what I want, you get punished). On a 7-9, you can have one but not the other, with a 10+ you can have both.

    So if I want your PC to give me their ice cream cone and I roll a 7-9, I can either reward you for giving it to me, or threaten you with punishment if you refuse. If I roll a 10+, both the reward and the punishment are in play – give me the ice cream and get a reward, or else you get punished.

  6. On a 7-9, you choose one of those statements to be true: the reward for agreeing, or the penalty for disagreeing.

    On a 10+, both statements are true: if you agree, you are awarded + if you disagree, you are penalized.

    On a 7-9, you’re betting on which will incentivize the target’s decision more. Fear of penalty, or desire for a reward. On a 10+, you don’t have to bet — reward and punishment are both part of the process.

    EDIT: Whoops! Got in just after the buzzer, haha

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