Because this came up in a comment, and interested folks might not have read it, I’ll repeat here the current status…

Because this came up in a comment, and interested folks might not have read it, I’ll repeat here the current status…

Because this came up in a comment, and interested folks might not have read it, I’ll repeat here the current status of the MORE WEIRDNESS book for Monster of the Week.

Currently: I am doing the last few bits of editing, waiting on some art, and then we will go to layout & final version. I won’t mention a date because that would bring down a curse, but soon!

What: Planning on print on demand and PDF via Drivethrurpg.

It will include:

– Rules for Weird Phenomena mysteries (i.e. more Fringe/X Files than Supernatural/Buffy)

– Alternative basic weird moves for your hunters (i.e. to swap in for “use magic” if you want a variety of weird hunters or to make your game less magic-focused)

– Two new hunter classes: The Hex (witchy magic user) and Pararomantic (lover of a monster).

– A bunch of advice articles from different people about a range of topics (making gothic mysteries, using pop culture, playing games in the office, spellbooks, etc)

– Loads of mysteries you can use in your game from all different authors and in all sorts of styles. (I don’t have the exact count available here, but it’s more than twenty).

Who: I wrote the new rules, everything else is other people (many of whom you will find on this community, such as Mark Tygart who got it all started).

You can have a look at the draft of the weirdness rules over on my website: (It’s cleaned up a lot but the basics are the same as the draft)

8 thoughts on “Because this came up in a comment, and interested folks might not have read it, I’ll repeat here the current status…”

  1. I am very excited and I nearly started screaming about the pararomantic. One of my players has been dropping hints about using “flirt with the monster” as an action at some point.

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