Hey, hope it’s okay to share relevant kickstarters on this group. If not, my apologies.

Hey, hope it’s okay to share relevant kickstarters on this group. If not, my apologies.

Hey, hope it’s okay to share relevant kickstarters on this group. If not, my apologies.

Some friends of mine, long running RPG card makers Artemis Games, have just launched their Kickstarter: Sci-Fi Concept Cards. They are producing three decks of playing cards with details for randomly drawing sci-fi gaming NPCs, locations, and planets, definitely gameable material for any Uncharted Worlds game. Great for inspiration in plotting campaigns or for getting past the sudden need for extra details at the gaming table.



One thought on “Hey, hope it’s okay to share relevant kickstarters on this group. If not, my apologies.”

  1. /imperious hand wave

    I’ll allow it.

    But seriously, that’s pretty neat. I’m down with setting neutral Space Opera stuff like this in the Group (within reason). Good tools.

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