Build a new world in the ruins of the future!

Build a new world in the ruins of the future!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Build a new world in the ruins of the future! In the new edition of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, now up for sale on DriveThruRPG, you’ll make your own post-apocalyptic world, control a family of survivors, and tell the saga of your new world over generations.

7 thoughts on “Build a new world in the ruins of the future!”

  1. In a month or so you’ll be able to order a hardcover from the Modiphius webstore, Indie Press Revolution, or (hopefully) your local game shop as we’re putting the game into distribution.

  2. He’s not the only one. I’ve been reading 2e since it was released to backers and I regret not getting a physical book now.

    Now I hear whispers of two sourcebooks for 2e …

    Any comments?

  3. Not a whisper! A shout! We have been working on both books apace. They will gather all the backer requested Families, Characters, Wonders and Quickstart scenario… some of them already in play and with their own fanbase! 🙂

    Obviously, there is a good batch of original stuff. All in all, we won’t double playbook options, but it will be close.

  4. Looks like my habit of not paying too much attention to Kickstarters after I’ve backed them came back to bite me there (otherwise, I get too wrapped up in them).

    But those look really cool and I look forward to them.

    FWIW you guys have done an amazing job.

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