Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very…

Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very…

Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very close to be the same on some occasions.Some examples in the book are the same for both…

2 thoughts on “Maybe it’s only me or the examples in the rule book are a bit off?Escape a situation and keep your cool are very…”

  1. As I see it. Escape a situation implies that you are in a situation you want to escape, as in you are already where you don’t want to be.

    Keep your cool is for avoiding some negative situation you may end up in.

    Escape a situation requieres that you have an opportunity and there is no free way out of it, even a 10+ can hurt you. Keep your cool let’s you avoid some dangerous or otherwise unpleasant consequence completely.

    It make sense that a failed roll from keep you cool ends getting you into a situation from which you want to escape.

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