Started my campaign and it went really well.

Started my campaign and it went really well.

Started my campaign and it went really well. They got a lead on an ancient disabled military capital ship and (after dealing with the insane ship AI) looted it for everything they could pack into their hold… and then used their shares to pay off debts. Working as designed! 🙂

One thing I came up with was a new Attire upgrade: Powered. It gives you the same benefits as the “Heavy Lifting” skill when wearing it. Figured it was a good fit for things like Powered Armor and the cargo lifter from Aliens.

4 thoughts on “Started my campaign and it went really well.”

  1. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing updates as the game progresses.

    I waffled back and forth on the “Powered” upgrade, ultimately deciding against it because it would really suck for any player who spent one of their limited number of skills for a Class 1 Attire’s ability. (Also the Cargo Lifter from Aliens is a Walker land vehicle). That said, Heavy Lifting and Clumsy in general is something that I would probably rework if/when I tackle the 2nd ed of UW.

  2. Caveat: If no one has taken the “Heavy Lifting” skill, feel free to grant it as an Asset upgrade, ’cause then you’re not stepping on any toes.

  3. Nobody has it now, but I’m happy to stat them up as Walkers instead, in case someone wants to take it later on and feel like a badass with a lightning coil. 🙂

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