In an hour and a half I’ll be interviewing Fraser Simons about his new game Hack The Planet on my twitch channel. You can see all the info bellow and head to the event’s page to see the starting time on your local time zone: Twitch Event: https://www.twitch.tv/events/CqBYvIlGQJqXThfhyq69jw
Originally shared by Hijos Del Rol
StoryAlways: Fraser Simons
Me alegra mucho anunciar que para el próximo episodio de StoryAlways contaremos con la presencia de Fraser Simons, autor de The Veil, Young at Heart, Unchanny Echo y Hack The Planet, que se encuentra actualmente en Kickstarter. Durante la entrevista le preguntaremos sobre sus proyectos, el proceso de diseño de sus juegos, su interés por el cyberpunk y todos los detalles de Hack the Planet. La entrevista sera emitida el Sábado 24 de Marzo a las 20:00 GMT+1 en nuestro canal de Twitch. ¡Nos veremos allí!
I’m happy to announce that for the next episode of StoryAlways we’ll have the pleasure of interviewing Fraser Simons, author of The Veil, Young at Heart, Unchanny Echo and Hack The Planet, which is currently on Kickstarter. During the interview we’ll talk about Fraser’s projects, past and present, his game design process, his interest for Cyberpunk and all the details of his new game Hack the Planet. The interview will be streamed on Sturday 24th of March at 19:00 GMT+0 on our Twitch channel. I hope to see you all there!
Hack the Planet Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samjokopublishing/hack-the-planet
Samjoko Publishing: https://www.samjokopublishing.com/shop-samjoko/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/HijosDelRol
Twitch Event: https://www.twitch.tv/events/CqBYvIlGQJqXThfhyq69jw