7 thoughts on “what do you think of a hack for playing the different personalities of David Haller of”

  1. Interesting idea, but I think you’d need to change a bunch of stuff. Like, Legion still probably has more agency than the women in the Bouebeards Bride. Would you be exploring the wider world?

  2. Stuart Pate Great Input that this memory place/method of loci. The different playbooks have still to be redefined to reflect the different personalities/abilities of Legion but thank you, this approach corresponds to what I have in mind. Does one have idea on how to handle the Shadow King in game terms?

  3. Well, in the original game, Bluebeard has “stepped out,” but he’s omnipresent — symbolically, he’s the mansion you’re trapped inside. Same with the astral plane, then: Shadow King can be both prison and jailer — it might be your memory palace, but the Shadow King is why you can’t leave, and is the one tormenting you with your memories. More malignant presence than actual entity.

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