With 6 hunters, I’m going to encourage them to look for opportunities to work in pairs to maximize spotlight time.

With 6 hunters, I’m going to encourage them to look for opportunities to work in pairs to maximize spotlight time.

With 6 hunters, I’m going to encourage them to look for opportunities to work in pairs to maximize spotlight time. Is the history thing going to be a little much to do between each and every hunter? Is it OK to establish history with only 3 or 4 others? And/or is it OK to use the same history for multiple colleagues if it works narratively (e.g., the crooked’s “know about your criminal past”)?

2 thoughts on “With 6 hunters, I’m going to encourage them to look for opportunities to work in pairs to maximize spotlight time.”

  1. You should be fine as long as each hunter has history with most of the others (and nobody is left out with less).

    I don’t see any reason not to double up, but make sure they determine all the details of each background, and don’t just lump that in together (the individual details are the most important bit).

  2. This fits with something I’m wondering about…I’m a fan of really good “escape the room” games – the ones where you wake up with no memories – and wondered if that could work in MotW. My idea was to let them “remember” their connections as time went on. Not sure it will work for me, but it might work for you. Maybe the first week, they only share their connection with the person to their right (as an example) and then feed more history into the story over time.

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