10 thoughts on “Hi all”

  1. It seems I have the Spooky and the Flake, both female players and characters. The Flake is actually a teenage girl, while the spooky’s day job is selling homeopathic medicine and such, which actually works, of course.

    The campaign just started last week, so not much to build on. The Flake’s father is a time traveler from the future, which we don’t know a lot about yet. I imagine him as the father from the “Jane Air Affair”, if you’ve read the books. The people in high places do know about the father, though, and in the very least, respect him. Which is how the Flake got into the Agency.

    The season’s arc (which they don’t know about yet) is about some demon trying to return, probably Lilith, Adam’s first spouce, before Eve. But I don’t want to advance the arc much, as the reason for the other players missing is legit – local holidays.

    They all belong to an Agency, Torchlight-like. But I thought this one should be seperated from the Agency story.

  2. How about an X-Filesesque story where the flake sees a pattern or the spooky has vague premonitions which the rest of the agency discounts as ridiculous and not worth their time. eg crop circles or some other cliched or easily explained phenomena. After being told not to waste anyone elses time they investigate with no backup or resources and find it’s really something else. I really like the idea of a cold-war science experiment/brain in a jar that’s rewoken after an earthquake or where an abandoned govt research facility has been privatised and renovated. It just wants to bring back good old fashioned McCarthy era values (or country specific era of repression and paranoia). Maybe this is what it did back then to heighten paranoia, maybe it’s a test pattern for the orbital mind control lasers?

  3. Often, games don’t explore the internal dynamics of the organisation they’re working for. This could be an opportunity to meet other members of the team.

    Ghosted had an episode in its first season where a newly-installed AI started messing with people and then tried to kill someone it had taken a dislike to.

    It also had another episode where a monster got loose in their base, and the base auto-sealed and triggered a self destruct countdown.

    Or: a member of the team is dying (on base) and the hunters have to figure out where the dying hunter has been and what could be killing them.

    Alternatively, something internet-based, personal, and with a pattern the Flake could pick up, like a creepy supernatural AI-ish cyber-bully.

  4. Daniel Steadman, I live in Isarel. Our time of paranoia and repression is right now… 🙁

    But paranoia is good. I love paranoia.

    So, there WAS an episode more than 70 years ago, before our independence, when the brits ruled here, and the nazis were a threat, called The Hunting Season. Great name, ha?

    So, the mainstream left-winged resistance movement hunted and actually tortured one of the right-winged resistance movement. All sides were kinds of violent shitheads, but without violent shitheads, who knows how history would turn out…

    So, we’re talking about the 40’s. resistance movements fighting each other, fighting the brits, fighting the arabs… Mad Science? Alien invasion? Tentacles from dimenson X? Same old restless ghost?

    (The story is current-day, so whatever happened in the 40’s is somehow affecting present affairs. How?

  5. All you need is someone/something that misses the ‘good old days’ for whatever reason. Perhaps someone who was a community leader? Perhaps a newspaper editor, or the newspaper itself, perhaps a sadistic little kid who loved the fear or the faces around them?

    Then give them a way to affect now. They might control their descendents, their recently published memoirs might control people who read them. An early experiment by the MAUD comittee gone wrong, warping space and time?

  6. In The Eyre Affair, Dad was Erased. You could steal that and have time-travelling dad show up with dire warnings of things that need to be fixed, pulling your players through time to historical events that have been tampered with, which has the potential for your players to inadvertently make things worse and maybe even be the cause for the Erasure order on daddy.

    It’s always fun when doing time-travel to look at horrific events and think about how the way things happened in real history is the better option, coaxing your players into stopping some terrible time-shenanigans by causing the real horrific events.

    Twist things up. Make the characters’ ancestors and historic heroes into the villains, and make the obvious villains into unlikely allies. It’s easy to justify working with your own great grandpa to stop the arabs from unleashing a djinni – but a much more interesting story to be forced to work with the scary arab guys and their djinn to stop great-grandpa’s mad golem from destroying all life in Jerusalem and somehow manage to pull it all off without preventing yourself from being born.

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