Another idea to float past the fellows.

Another idea to float past the fellows.

Another idea to float past the fellows. Out of the listed abilities for the Nova, I’m surprised that one of those isn’t weather control. A power that, the more I think about it, is made for the concept.

Like the Nova abilities, weather powers are incredibly open ended and limited only by imagination. Jojo’s Stone Ocean arc features a character that makes other weather masters seem like amateurs, even if some uses stretch it a bit.

Furthermore, and more importantly, weather powers are the stuff of horror stories for uncontrollable mayhem. There are so many variables in play to make weather function that creating desired effects is downright miraculous.

Probably just out of room on the playbook, but yeah. Nova controlling weather seems like a great basis for a character.

6 thoughts on “Another idea to float past the fellows.”

  1. Weather is a great idea. Some depictions of Marvel’s Storm play in a Nova-like space, with her dealing with being worshipped as a weather goddess and all that.

  2. Well, I guess it could be under the purview of element control. Kinda strange that gravity warrants its own entry.

    My early sentiment stands, however. Godlike power that defies control.

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