Hey y’all!
I’ve been game mastering Cyberpunk after buying the original, what’s now called “2013” from Mike Pondsmith at GenCon 1987, hot off the press… and, I’m still running the genre today.
That said, I’m completely new to the Apocalypse Engine, and from reading The Sprawl, I’m excited to play this game (only one week until my first session).
I’ll probably be asking basic questions, until I get a full handle on things. Which brings me to my first question.
What sort sort of things, aside from the dice, playbooks, and rules, should I have in front of me too make running this game as smoothly as possible for our first session?
As well as the player playbooks, print out the MC sheets too, including multiple copies of the double-sided move sheet. One for each player is ideal.
Excellent. I was going to print those for myself, but I didn’t really think of handing them out to the players! For some reason, I was thinking that the playbooks would have them covered! That’s the exact type of advice I was looking for.
Other than that. My kit is usually just a bunch of scrap paper or a foldable whiteboard for drawing maps and writing notes.
Wet/dry erase board and post it notes! We’re on the same wavelength.
Thank you, Hamish, for the super speedy replies. I’m tickled pink to see that the author is in touch with the community. You rock!
I was hoping some more people would chime in too. I’m always curious to hear what others do!
I like tokens and cups or cards designated for [Intel], [Gear] and Hold. Also, a list of the Cyberware, Guns, Gear, and Names (Punks, Corporations, technobable, etc) is useful so that you don’t always have to refer to the book. The Hacker needs a list of Matrix Moves and his cyberdeck. Neon colored 3″ x 5″ cards for name tents.
Geoff McCool More great advice! Thank you for that. I’m hoping that this first mission will excite my players, so that I can begin posting updates to a series of missions, or better, an entire campaign.
I’ve recently found laminated/dry erase 3×5 index cards on amazon. They’ve become my multipurpose go-to for the table – tokens, custom moves, NPC trackers, you name it.
Oh! Put up a link good sir!
Sorry to disappoint people, but my MCing kit doesn’t have much more than dice, the book, playbooks, and MC sheets in it. I also bring the Worlds of Android book as well as a printout of New Angeles with me, but that only works if you’re playing in that setting.
After my first session I printed off five sheets of paper to place in the middle of the table for each Corp with an evocative image of their schitck and a big countdown clock. Depending on your table space it may be worth it; they made the clock-ticking feel even more dramatic.
Chris Stone-Bush Beautiful setting! The world if FFG’s Android is one of my favorites. I’ve played a lot of Netrunner since it became an LCG.
I’m already going to use quite a few ideas from it.
Scott Udall Another innovative idea! I’m going to steal that. It’s a great way to get visuals on the table, and keep the pressure on the players.
I really appreciate all of the feedback. Every post has given me some tools to tackle my first session.
It’s nice to have a resource like this. In the ’80s, we were just winging it.
Chad Caszatt Dry Erase Index Cards – 48 Reusable Flash Cards amazon.com – Amazon.com: Dry Erase Index Cards – 48 Reusable Flash Cards: Sports & Outdoors
Beautiful! You rock.
Notecards. Lots of notecards. I like 4×6. I like them for countdown clocks. drive.google.com – Sprawl_Clocks_4x6.pdf.
I also like these…. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01NADFJSB/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I REALLY like those!
Thank you Charles!