I’m thinking about a hack for transhumanist sci-fi.
It would take place in The Habitat which might be a space station, domed city or similar enclosed living space. The Habitat is controlled by The Overmind who can create things out of thin air and do other wondrous things, but is mostly unresponsive. I’m thinking of something like the Freemarket RPG, which, I think, doesn’t work, or some of the fiction for orionsarm.com like ‘Head of the Herd’.
Players would form the needs of and factions within the habitats by choosing playbooks. I’m thinking of…
The Faithful who revere the Overmind
The Adapted who live at the fringes or outside the Habitat
The Formless who make a point of not sticking to a body
The Originals who were already here and might not be human
Moves I have in mind…
When you broadcast for help, name the values you appeal to and…
When you create something original… (basically Workshop)
When you request something from the fog…
When you investigate a person…
When you get physical…
I’m not yet sure how to help the Overmind (MC) create interesting events. The needs of the habitat and inter faction rivalries will certainly play a role.
And I’m not yet sure about how the PCs would interact among one another. I think this might be the most important thing.