Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail.

Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail.

Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail. Mechanically the Killer will do better with Meat instead off using the gang’s size difference. Narratively the killer is doing what? I am not getting it.

4 thoughts on “Can someone please explain “Mil Specs: When you mix it up, you count as a small gang.” in more detail.”

  1. System wise, you still roll Meat.

    See p 139 about Using Gangs.

    Counting as a small gang means you do +1 damage to and take -1 harm from individuals.

    Against small gangs, you deal your damage as normal and take normal damage (instead of -1 damage, +1 harm taken).

    Against medium gangs, you suffer -1 damage, +1 harm (instead of -2/+2), and…

    Against large gangs, -2/+2 (instead of -3/+3).

  2. So why is this relevant? Say there’s a small gang — a corporate threat response team — wearing combat armor (2-armor). You’re armed with a heavy pistol (3-harm). Most PCs cannot Mix it Up with them at all because they can’t hurt them. (Because they’re a small gang, they take 1 less harm from individuals, plus the 2-armor, they can ignore your 3-harm gun).

    But if you’re a Mil Spec Killer, you can take them on! Say your Killer wants to shoot her way past that threat response team. On a 10 plus, she can go all “matrix gun fu” on them and emerge on the other side unhurt. The MC will describe the effect of her action aware that they’ve all taken about 1 harm, so they’re not taken out (they aren’t taken out until they take 2 or 3 — see p[age 178-179). But they’re injured enough that the Killer achieved her objective (to get past).

    Now she’s running from the threat response team, but she’s one step closer to her goal.

    Note: If you’re used to Apocalypse World, gangs don’t take Harm the same way they do in AW.

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