An ask for idea help:

An ask for idea help:

An ask for idea help:

So I’ve done some build up for prom in my game and one player is going to do his swap characters (retire or become a paragon; changing from Interface the delinquent with a police detective mom to Kid Slueth the beacon). I’ve some ideas to make it a big deal for other characters (Nova’s going with a friend being more than friend; Outsider’s alien roommate going with her crush; doomed->protege being dragged along with other’s messes) but prom wasn’t a big thing for me growing up and I want to properly handle it. Are there any suggestions from the group think on how to handle prom?

4 thoughts on “An ask for idea help:”

  1. Well, ours ended up crazy. One character didn’t realize the other two of us wanted to ask him out, and stood he wasnt going at all. So we both brought revenge dates. The reformed asked out the most toolish guy at school. And me as the outsider brought my alien fiance.

    Then the reformed dates ex came and crashed the prom with her devil imp minions.

  2. My perspective of prom (from mumblety decades ago) is very different from that of my son (who just went as a senior a few weeks ago). While there’s music and dancing, it seems like more of a group / social activity than the couple-focused activity I remember from back in the Bronze Age. Especially if you thrown in an after-prom lockdown sort of activity afterward.

    So there’s an opportunity for high romance (and related hi-jinx), but also for teens just hanging out together in tuxes/formals.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Things about Prom:

    – prom planning committee

    – picking a theme for the prom

    – live music or DJ, hiring a band or picking the right DJ

    – making posters and advertising

    – choosing a location – school gym, local restaurant or club, etc

    – setting up decorations

    – getting the boy/girl you want to ask you to ask you or taking initiative and asking him yourself

    – working up the courage to ask the girl/boy you want to go with

    – being approached/pressured by people you don’t want to go with

    – what to say to lesser options who try to ask you to the dance before the one you really want asks

    – getting the perfect dress

    – finding shoes to go with perfect dress

    – what if someone else wears the same dress?

    – renting a tux

    – communicating enough about the dress so partner can match with cummerbund and flowers

    – getting the appropriate accessories to match your date

    – buying flowers

    – buying condoms, just in case

    – getting your hair done

    – getting your makeup done perfectly

    – renting a limo or driving or being dropped off by parents?

    – dinner reservations beforehand? (Or does the Prom include dinner?)

    – spilling food and ruining perfect outfit with stains before the dance even starts

    – pictures

    – first dance

    – looking like a fool while dancing

    – having someone steal your date to dance with and looking amazing together

    – slow dances

    – is this a kissing story?

    – who are the chaperones? teachers and parents

    – punch spiked with alcohol?

    – after-party at someone’s house or some park for drinking, drugs and sex?

    – voting for prom king/queen

    – supervillainy across town requiring you to skip out on your date without explanation

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