So how did Masks go last night?

So how did Masks go last night?

So how did Masks go last night? Well, the whole team present got arrested by F.A.T.E. (the Federal Agency for Tackling the Extranormal). Fortunately, Torque (The Outsider) knows a good lawyer, the well-travelled Peter Kristofferson.

The feral scrapper Porpentine ran amok in the F.A.T.E. base, and Halfpenny (The Protégé) led the team to take him down. He got through the fight with no conditions, but praise from his villainous side mentor Quartermaster left him angry and guilty.

Panic (The Delinquent) was the team’s emotional center this week, dealing with her own emotional wreckage from the last adventure, but also comforting Halfpenny and Torque. Plus, she sparred with her worried guardian, Uncle Cas. [Check out Claire’s emo Panic cosplay!]

Oh, and in the end, Halfpenny went to therapy with Lady Hurricane, a retired superhero and psychiatric specialist in trauma related to superheroics. He unlocked the power of empathy!