One the Masks Discord server we’re having trouble figuring something out, and were wondering if people here maybe…

One the Masks Discord server we’re having trouble figuring something out, and were wondering if people here maybe…

One the Masks Discord server we’re having trouble figuring something out, and were wondering if people here maybe new. If you have the Transformed move Not My Body and zero conditions marked, would you roll at -2 then? Or is 0 the minimum number you have to roll with?

9 thoughts on “One the Masks Discord server we’re having trouble figuring something out, and were wondering if people here maybe…”

  1. I’m not sure, but I’d like to know what the link is for the Discord server? I also have a lot of questions about the game and I’d like to chat with people about it.

  2. In most games i have seen that used the -2 applies even at 0. Yet i believe it is currently up to the GM to make the call. Personally i prefer it counting in games i run so rolling 2d6-2 is fine.

  3. When you take a powerful

    physical blow, you may roll as if you had two

    fewer conditions marked. If you do, on a 10+

    you must choose to lose control of yourself in a

    terrible way.

  4. The move is, “I am not my body”. When the Transformed has the move, they always rolls at -2 on Take a Powerful Blow, but only if the blow is physical in nature. The point of the move is to simulate the toughness of the Transformed’s inhuman body–or rather the character’s detachment from their new form, and thus their unwillingness to accept things like physical pain from it.

    The Transformed is one of the more ‘powerful’ playbooks. As the GM, be a fan of your Transformed and play it up when they take those powerful physical blows. Have bad guys hit them with everything they have, and then describe the Transformed as being practically unscathed from it. Later on, use these moments as fuel for powerful emotional blows, as the rest of the world sees it as terrifying rather than cool or awesome.

  5. From a rules-lawyer perspective, at least, I interpret this: “you may roll as if you had two fewer conditions marked.” to mean you roll at 0. It’s not affecting the bonus to the roll directly, but the number of conditions marked, and since it’s impossible to “mark” a negative number of conditions, it has no effect when no conditions are marked.

    However, I have my own personal rule (like a “silver rule” to go with gaming’s “golden rule”), whenever the rules are ambiguous, use whichever interpretation makes sense or sounds more fun to you, that’s more important than figuring out which one is more Technically Correct.

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