Belatedly: What’s the best way to get in touch with UFO Press about getting the alternate setting PDFs from the…

Belatedly: What’s the best way to get in touch with UFO Press about getting the alternate setting PDFs from the…

Belatedly: What’s the best way to get in touch with UFO Press about getting the alternate setting PDFs from the Kickstarter? I’d verified that I had them on my pledge manager, but I can’t find any e-mails from DriveThruRPG.

8 thoughts on “Belatedly: What’s the best way to get in touch with UFO Press about getting the alternate setting PDFs from the…”

  1. Daniel Fernández García I had tried Kickstarter messages once or twice for things in the past, and hadn’t gotten a response, so I’d assumed it was an unmonitored account. Thanks James Iles 🙂

  2. Ah, sorry about that Sean – I get a lot of messages through kickstarter and sometimes I forget to respond 😅 hope I helped with your email!

  3. James Iles That you did, thank you kindly. 🙂 No worries, managing this beast has got to pretty crazy on top of actually creating so much content!

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