4 thoughts on “QQ from a player: How many tags can a player invoke narratively on a Combat-roll?”

  1. I’m not sure what you mean by tags. However, I’m assuming you mean the narrative tags like ‘dead’, ‘surrendering’, and so on. In which case, it sort of depends on the narrative situation, but the short answer is “How many ever they want”. You should treat successes on Open Fire/Launch Assault about the same as a success on Face Adversity, meaning the player more or less has control of the scene and describes the outcome.

    That all being said, both Open Fire and Launch Assault include the lines, “describe your tactics, primary targets and [then] Roll…” and “you win this engagement. Your targets are…”. So as the GM, there is definitely some room for you to ask your player some questions to flesh out the scene, and to point out what results their tactics allowed for. For example, if they describe their tactics as running in and shooting anything that moves, then that doesn’t leave any room for their targets to surrender.

  2. Ok, thanks! We’re transitioning from Dungeon World so I have some challanges in terms of zooming out the action from decide outcome of ”a few swings” to ”almost the whole scene”.

    The player was wondering if he could narratively use tags for all his weapons e.g. use mounted lasers, grenades and rifle in one action. I guess yes! 🙂

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