Been a really long time since I banged around these parts but not been dormant on the Masks front.

Been a really long time since I banged around these parts but not been dormant on the Masks front.

Been a really long time since I banged around these parts but not been dormant on the Masks front. Love the new playbooks, excited for the last few that are coming.

Been running a lot of games and a player of mine expressed a desire to play a different sort of Time Traveler. The Samurai Jack/Etrigan sort that’s thrust ages ahead in time. A mix of The Innocent and the Outsider. My players helped with some editing/ideas and I am very proud to present the latest of my Homebrew Playbooks. The Relic.

12 thoughts on “Been a really long time since I banged around these parts but not been dormant on the Masks front.”

  1. Very nice playbook. I need to read through it more thoroughly, but a quick look through of the playbook moves include exactly what I was hoping for out of a playbook like this.

  2. This is Our Relic: BadRock: He is a Cromag Boy with an electric guitar and a stone axe…

    When RagnaRock come to the Rock Age to corrupt the world (and bring Metalpockalipse) he steal his Guitar and jump forward in time to stop him before the backjump.

    But attire the media attention with his savage rock and know he’s about to change playbook in…Star.

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