About to start Worldfall with a whopping 7 players because I over invited.

About to start Worldfall with a whopping 7 players because I over invited.

About to start Worldfall with a whopping 7 players because I over invited. Tbf I normally get two or three no’s and end up with the “proper” amount of players, but this should be interested.

I was going to embrace the Sid Meier’s Alpha Centuari idea and just scatter them across the map, but wanted to hear from veteran MC’s about what’s its like to run a higher player count.

Mind the gimmick here is akin to West Marches. It’ll seldom actually be 7 players in a single session and more 1 to 3 players interacting with one another. It’s part of the reason why I’m opting for separate settlements; that in itself is actually an assumption. I’ve no clue if the players will try to reconnect with one another.