11 thoughts on “I’d love to see a “Deck of Heroes” (Like the Deck of Villainy).”

  1. Jason Corley For NPC heroes. You know. Those pesky adults with their Influence and their mentoring and their stern disapproval of things like property damage…

  2. Jason Corley Need? No. But having a handy stack of non-villainous NPCs in the current artistic style would fall under “nice to have” as a visual reference at table.

  3. Ohhh, just for pictures! I see. Well, can I suggest heading over to various art sites (deviantart, etc.) and looking around for “OCs”? You can usually get a reprint of a good pic pretty cheap.

  4. While NPC heroes are not villains I’d like to have some made up in the style villains are made. All through out comics you see hero teams slugging it out. An element I’d like to include in my game once in a while.

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