Running (and playing) Masks at Gen Con was a blast! Some highlights:

Running (and playing) Masks at Gen Con was a blast! Some highlights:

Running (and playing) Masks at Gen Con was a blast! Some highlights:

*Brendan Conway is delightful in person, and listened appreciatively to us telling him about our home campaign (particularly the Time Sloth).

*In a session I GM’d, the Delinquent pretended he was too cool to use the silly name the others had come up for the their team, the Galactic Acrobatic Ranch-hands (GAR). At the very end of the session, in a gesture of good will, he pulled back his sleeve and showed the Legacy the GAR tattoo he’d gotten.

*In a session I played, I got to try out the Star playbook with Sam Seraph, a streaming sensation with six unearthly purple wings. Sam was (briefly) arrested by AEGIS at the conclusion of the mission, and was gagged for mouthing off. This radicalized him against AEGIS, so in my end-of-session scene I narrated Sam addressing his audience about the need to overthrow AEGIS’s fascist regime, and hawking half-face masks styled after his gag and branded with his purple wing insignia.

*In another session I GM’d, the Transformed rolled a miss on Pierce the Mask while trying to literally break a villain’s mask. I said, “Yes, you break open the mask, but what you see is someone gaunt and pale like you, clearly someone who underwent the same transformation. He fixes you with a look of deep betrayal. Take a powerful blow.” It was awesome.

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