So, I just started a season with 3 players, and I’m wondering, how exactly does one override the creative booking in…

So, I just started a season with 3 players, and I’m wondering, how exactly does one override the creative booking in…

So, I just started a season with 3 players, and I’m wondering, how exactly does one override the creative booking in the fight by using the Break Keyfabe move? Do I roll for it, can it botch, or do I win automatically by saying it?

5 thoughts on “So, I just started a season with 3 players, and I’m wondering, how exactly does one override the creative booking in…”

  1. According to the rules, Break Keyfabe is more a promo move than a match one, and it’d be like if your character says something that doesn’t make sense or mentions backstage politics, like how you’re hated by creative so you’re not booked to win ever. For reference, CM Punk’s Pipebomb speech is pretty close to it.

  2. “If you want to swerve the booking, you can, (which usually means you’ll make the Break kayfaBe or Heel Move, or another on your sheet that’s appropriate). Whoever’s booked to win will also get to hit their fInIshIng move, or equivalent, at the end of the match.” I copied that from the quickstart, so it’s not clear to me what to do in these cases.

  3. Break Kayfabe is triggered “whenever you expose the real truth on camera” – so if you’re exposing the fact that, for example, obviously the other wrestler was SUPPOSED to win but you use some kind of advantage to win instead, that would be Breaking Kayfabe. You’d then roll for it (on +Real as normal) and follow the fiction for how it impacts the finish. Generally, if you hit on the move, whatever you were going for should happen, while if you Botch, Creative would decide, in addition to the mechanical result of the Move.

    Now, in a match, you have an additional very specific option of Work Real Stiff, where you are intending to really hurt your opponent, which could easily snowball into a Break Kayfabe as a result.

    The Heel Move, by contrast, does NOT Break Kayfabe. Heels cheating to win is an in-wrestling-universe thing that happens.

    Does that help? Generally, follow the intention of the player for picking which Move. They need to be intentionally trying to break kayfabe to make that Move, if they’re going for something that is still within the logic of the wrestling show than it’s one of the other Moves (like if you’re setting up some kind of wrestler-vs-management storyline).

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